The day breaks

Monday, May 23, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Melted Styrofoam
Write this down that proves your existence
Carve it into rock leave it at the road not taken
The last sign post before the un-raveling
Once the satellites fall from your eyes
You'll see the world skewed through a whole new prism
Listen for the crickets that aren’t there anymore
As in a trance dance counter to any celestial occurrence
We know the stars are out there without any visual evidence
Warm ourselves with the refracted light past tense now
Smell the end of days roast the last meat cooked
Chart our course for tomorrow by dead reckoning wave to the camera’s no longer working
Fabric of time putrid remnants we wear on our backs
History wrinkles the map of our faces
A fine ash cloys in our nostrils like the red clay of Texas
Nostradamus, who has the last laugh now
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Len Talks Poetry with Yesterday's Island
I'd forgotten this interview and found this link and send it along to you.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Marge Piercy features May 15 Spoken Word Nantucket
What a great day of poetry. Dr. O said it was part of the best birthday celebration she's ever had. I'll be posting a link from Plum TV as soon as it's available.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Little Beach House – A Teachable Moment
I’m sitting in the little beach house
My writing harbor
About a half an hour
Before sunrise
On a Sunday 3 years ago
Must have been 4:30
A buck
Maybe a six pointer
Comes peeking out of the Spartina
Houdini in a camel hair coat
Nose in the wind
Intent on one thing
Our eyes met
In that first instant
Neither capable of reaction
Beyond release of urine
The ghost is gone
I make a mental note
He’ll be back and
This you can use
You’ve got students coming
It’s entirely possible
Some of them
Will think this is cool
Enough to formulate
A dream beyond the place they know
So when they arrive
And once I’ve told them this story
I hand them the keys
To the little beach house
Tell them they must sit silent
Look for movement
Be patient
Join them at breakfast
For the stories they’ll tell
And what I’ll learn
From them
Friday, May 6, 2011
There’s a old cat sleeping
On the new moon tonight
It drools
Huddle’s under bed linen
A moving wind break
For Sarah
Counting horseshoe crabs
High tide 3 am
With leaky chest waders
Failing flailing flashlights
Fiddlers under foot
She searches for bawdy
Body surfers
Bubbling at water’s edge
Ecstatic in the sand
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Marge Piercy features May 15 Spoken Word Nantucket
May's show (2 pm May 15th at the Field Station) is a blockbuster featuring the acclaimed poet and novelist Marge Piercy."
Monday, May 2, 2011
Horseshoe Crabs
If you see them great but please leave them alone. I remember them in the 10's of thousands when I lived in Weymouth in the 70's. It was an awe inspiring sight.
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